Zazouesque note n°4 (Newsletter - December 2017)

While nature is asleep, while the night has covered the Earth with its dark veil, the caribou from the far north accompany the return of the light which will make visible what was invisible. Mobile trees, trees of life whose branches are reborn with the rhythm of the seasons, these psychopompous animals lead sages and mages from one world to another. Let them come and warm our homes and put dreams back in our child's souls...
The winter solstice and the rituals that accompany it are precious moments of withdrawal and listening to oneself. Moments when, numbed by the cold, you have to accept that you are not in control of everything so that the cycle to come can begin.
The time remains for wishes, sincere and warm to send to those you love.
A little more patience and you will gradually discover the collections that we are preparing for you in our cozy cocoon. Seeds are already planted here, there and again there all ready to germinate while trees are enriched with new branches here and there which will provide the canopy of our postal forest next season.
In the meantime, we wish you a peaceful end of the year.
Warmly yours,
"It is at night that it is beautiful to believe in light" Edmond Rostand
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