Zazouesque note n°20 (Newsletter - June 2019)

One thing leading to another, day by month, from silk rope, the queue grew, the influx grew, carried away by the current, tangling the Ariadne's thread which was nevertheless guiding us.
We believed that we would know, that we would get there, that we could. And we let go, the threads gave way, letting the waves carry away the last words.
You don't have to invent the butter-cutting thread, however: you just have to hold the thread by the right end and pull on the strings like so many puppets without losing your thread.
It can give a hard time, but when we hold the red thread, we advance with small steps on the razor's edge and we unroll its thread, its sentences, adjusting the senses and the sounds. Sometimes a word slips away, but a well-adjusted lasso, allows, with a little agility, to find the thread of one's thought.
It was hanging by a thread to leave everything there, to let the moment slip away and wait for the next month, but that was ignoring the novelties that were going to clump together, be added to the thread of history, creating a traffic jam of seasons and collections.
So we unroll the ball and we go!
The month of June sees:
Floral Spring in Paris, a delightful Japanese promenade imagined by Hana Kanehisa for Zazous Editions,
Inkwood, brand new collection mixing paper and wood created by Forever Cards, minimalist and poetic universe,
Fly and novelties from Sabivo, line drawings and jeweled watercolours full of lightness and softness,
Pencil, timeless collection enriched with some novelties.
"Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone" Ano Nyme
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