Zazouesque note n°16 (Newsletter - February 2019)

The time for a carnivalesque dance, a madness, an arabesque... The time has come to emerge from the gloom of winter and welcome this nasty new year, whose Chinese zodiac beckons us to take stock and restart.
In February, do as you please. Take your step but slowly get back in motion. Don't just say that everything would be better if it were different, if the world was different. Take yourself by the hand and get back on the way, on your way.
The smallest month of the year, it invites us to purify ourselves, to prepare ourselves, to renew ourselves. After having chased away and cleaned up everything that could get in your way, you are now ready to greet the year that is beginning and welcome the first fruits of spring.
Do you feel this quivering that tickles the nose in the early morning, do you hear the birds grateful for the light that returns? It's subtle but we feel that maybe the moment has come, that something is going to change, that the air is lighter, that nature is ready to emerge.
The new year has begun, here comes spring.
Miss Piggy,
In this month of February, we are happy and proud to present to you:
The Very Chic collection by Memelou Design, brand new to the Zazous family who have fun staging their little Frenchies on the go. A collection full of joy.
After the success we have had for two years already with Hannah Marchant's plantable cards, which is preparing new collections for us - coming very soon! - and the enormous success encountered this year with the Papier Fleur calendar, a brand new collection of ready-to-germinate watercolour planting cards, the Flower Cards.
Marie-Lise Duédal has made us happy to create new flower women and new leaf men: a collection whose success is undeniable over the seasons for our greatest happiness.
Finally, two new collections adapted for Zazous by Caroline Gardner: Little notes, with a light design and Kimono, an oriental series of which you know certain images but enriched with new features and lightened with its messages.
“The greatest tree is born from a tiny seed†Lao Tseu
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